Single pane of glass real-time critical facilities operational visibility – available wherever you are.

Remote access to your heartbeat M&E data – anytime, any device, any location.

Easy-to-deploy and easy-to-use for operational visibility anaccelerated data center optimization

Data center operational visibility and optimization shouldn’t be complicated. At EkkoSense we’re committed to providing our customers with a software-based approach that’s easy-to-use, accessible, instinctive and available 24/7.

Your critical facilities might be remote, sometimes difficult to access or even in different time zones. EkkoSense makes it as easy as possible for your operations teams to take advantage of EkkoSoft Critical’s comprehensive remote visibility and monitoring capabilities from anywhere and at any time.


Intuitive 3D visualizations

EkkoSense’s 3D visualization platform makes it extremely easy for your teams to visualize cooling and airflow management improvements, manage complex capacity decisions and quickly highlight any worrying trends in cooling performance.


Remote visibility

Having real-time visibility of data centre cooling, power and capacity performance across remote sites is becoming essential. With EkkoSense you benefit from remote visibility and monitoring of all your sites via any browser-based device.


Unlock optimization opportunities

Seeing all your data center environments in a realistic 360o real-time view means you can quickly identify thermal and power optimization opportunities.


Single pane of glass

EkkoSense visually represents all your data center cooling, power and thermal conditions via an intuitive 3D interface. Making it available as a ‘single pane of glass’ solution makes it a perfect go-to optimization tool for data center operations teams.


24x7x365 remote visibility

Any device, remote access to heartbeat M&E data 24x7x365. From corporate NOC Network Operating Centers to secure mobile devices, with quick to deploy options for thermal peace of mind and reduced risk


Simple deployment

The combination of easy-to-deploy low-cost wireless sensors and our SaaS software means the solution is particularly easy to deploy, and can scale to support all your critical facilities – from single Edge rooms through to whole estates.


Connect with EkkoNet Global Partners

EkkoSense data center partners. Internationally recognized consulting and knowledge base, universally trusted delivery solutions, world class regional support.


Talk to an EkkoSense Expert

Get in touch with questions, sales enquiries or to arrange your free demonstration.