Accelerated deployment with EkkoSense’s easy-to-build Data Center Digital Twins

With Machine Learning analytics built right into the heart of EkkoSoft Critical, our customers gain a clear picture of what’s actually going on across their data centers.
However, one of the main barriers to cost-effective data center optimization has always been the complexity and deployment time of the traditional DCIM and CFD solutions that data center teams previously had to use. That’s until now. EkkoSoft Critical solves this challenge by giving operations teams the ability to build their own Intuitive Digital Twin data center models.
Taking advantage of the latest gaming 3D visualization technology, these EkkoSoft Critical Digital Twin models present all EkkoSense’s Machine Learning data in a comprehensive 3D view – making it much easier for data center teams to visualize and instantly understand the complex thermal performance of their facilities. With this insight they can then easily utilize our Machine Learning data and AI algorithms, effectively translating potentially billions of data points into the insights they need to support real-time optimization decisions.
Our Rapid Room Builder functionality lets you quickly build, populate and edit your data center rooms in 3D, all through EkkoSoft Critical’s simple interface. Our video illustration shows just how easy it is to change room dimensions, add racks, drag them into place and add doors, walls and other building objects all in-house. You can then add supply tiles, dragging them into place, before adding all your ACUs, containment and other key visual elements.
EkkoSoft Critical’s simple web-based 3D visualizations and analytics combine with simple installation to ensure light-touch deployments – and this translates directly into minimal overheads and an accelerated time to benefit. The result is that ROI for most EkkoSense data center optimization projects is less than 12 months!
For EkkoSense customers, our light-touch deployment approach contrasts with traditional DCIM projects. One recent project, for example, saw deployment across 30 plus sites across multiple continents with the client’s network engineers driving the self-installation process in weeks rather than months. EkkoSoft Critical proved simple and quick to configure, with comprehensive remote training supporting the process.
Watch our introductory video here – or to learn more about EkkoSoft Critical and our Digital Twin approach, go here for a free EkkoSense demonstration.
For more know-how and tutorials from EkkoSense, your critical friend in the data center, visit