Fighting energy creep with EkkoSoft Critical – data centre energy performance

Fighting energy creep with EkkoSoft Critical

It would be great if you had a way of tracking your actual data centre energy performance
against what you expected. It would also be useful to receive immediate intelligence
should your energy usage creep out of variance.

Now you can track data centre energy performance thanks to the Energy Tracker Report capability within our EkkoSoft Critical software. Taking advantage of the software’s powerful machine learning
and AI capabilities, our unique  Energy Tracker Report tracks actual energy consumption vs expected. It then identifies any deviations from right across your estate, and generates intelligence and
reports so that you can both identify the cause and move quickly to resolve any

Energy Tracker Report uses advanced regression analysis tools to give you the
information you need to keep your sites optimized 24/7/365. It also factors in
local weather conditions with live and historical site data to make sure it’s
only reporting on actual operational issues. Reports feature Deviation Analysis
and Actual vs. Expected mapping to track the long-term energy implications of
any performance deviations, as well as an estimated cost tracker for critical
energy use reporting.

Clearly data center energy performance reporting is vital for both cost and ESG reasons.
With Energy Tracker Report you’re able to resolve energy creep quickly,
removing the risk of issues getting out of hand.

Book a demo to see how you can fight energy creep with
EkkoSoft Critical or contact the author, James Kirkwood, to discuss further. 


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