EkkoSense delivers real-time operational visibility essential for managing complex hybrid air-cooled and liquid-cooled data center environments

Liquid Cooling Guide

EkkoSense, a global leader in the provision of AI-powered data center optimization software, has extended the Liquid Cooling capabilities of its award-winning EkkoSoft Critical software. EkkoSoft Critical is the only AI-powered data center optimization platform that allows operations teams to manage the real-time performance of all their air-cooled, liquid-cooled and hybrid-cooled environments. 

Data center teams using EkkoSoft Critical benefit from the real-time operational visibility that’s essential if they are to resolve the thermal and power risk, cooling capacity, and optimization demands of today’s increasingly complex air, liquid, and hybrid cooling AI compute environments. The new 3D liquid objects make it easier for operations teams to maintain compliance, manage capacity, and optimise cooling to remove risk, release stranded capacity and save energy. 

“The transition to hybrid air and liquid cooling to support AI computing needs careful management, with the placing of new loads demanding smart capacity management – space, power, and air & liquid cooling capacity,” said Dr. Stu Redshaw, EkkoSense’s CTIO. “Key engineering questions need answering before deploying liquid cooling – including establishing the exact blend of air and liquid cooling required, and also recognising the complexity of managing hybrid cooling within the same room. Extending EkkoSoft Critical support for Liquid Cooling means that EkkoSense is ideally placed to equip data center teams with the absolute real-time white space visibility needed to optimize hybrid cooling across their operations.”

EkkoSoft Critical now features Liquid Cooling 3D Objects – including Liquid Cooled ‘direct-to-chip’ Racks, Coolant Distribution Units and Immersion Cooled Units. These join EkkoSoft Critical’s existing monitoring of cooling plant assets such as Cooling Towers, Water Meters, Dry Coolers, Pumps and Water-Cooled Chillers. This enables all of a data center’s liquid-cooled assets to be visualized in 3D to show rack level compliance. 

EkkoSense offers a portfolio of innovative optimization technologies for data center liquid cooling, and its solutions are showcased in Telehouse’s new London-based liquid cooling lab. In addition to Ekkosoft Critical, these include ultra-low cost wireless sensors for monitoring liquid and air-cooled infrastructure, a powerful EkkoSIM infrastructure modelling and simulation tool, as well as advanced AI-powered Cooling Advisory and Anomaly Detection tools.

About EkkoSense
EkkoSense is a leader in the provision of advanced sensing technology, SaaS DCIM-class visualisation & monitoring software, and AI-powered analytics solutions for critical facilities such as data centres. The company is committed to eliminating thermal risk and helping organizations to monitor, manage and maximize their data center performance. www.ekkosense.com and follow us on LinkedIn.

Read Dr Stu Redshaw’s ebook on Liquid Cooling advice here or book a demo.

Press Contacts:
Cheryl Billson
+44 7791 720460
[email protected]